Pledges & Priorities

Personal philosophy as an independent

I will not subordinate your interests to political ambitions, and like my father before me, I believe in listening before acting. I will consult with you as much as is humanly possible prior to decisions being taken, but this is a two-way process so I will actively encourage residents and local business people to keep me informed of both their concerns and aspirations.

If you choose me as your representative, I will not indulge in party political point scoring at the council taxpayers’ expense. I will judge each issue on its merits and vote in what my considered opinion is in the best interests of the people of whom I serve. I can promise this without hesitation because I would NOT be obliged to obey any party whip.

I will use my customer service skills to assist the population to the best of my abilities and although it will be impossible to please all of the people all of the time, I would serve you, should you give me that privilege, with integrity, transparency and honour.I am completely motivated by, not what’s in it for me, but what I can do for you.

Headstone North Ward issues

I will work with residents to ensure the preservation of our green and leafy neighbourhood, which is often one of the main considerations of why we choose to live here. I am opposed to inappropriate infill developments or ‘garden grabbing’ as well as in most cases, the wholesale conversions of family homes into flats.

I will also work with residents on the issues of public transport, parking, road safety and the need for better traffic management solutions, which in many instances may mean promoting the least unpopular option.I will also address the complaints already brought to my attention that some residential roads are being used by out of town traffic as short cuts.

I will ensure my support to preserve the high educational standards that we in Harrow are fortunate to have in our local schools and colleges. I can draw on the knowledge that both my father imparted to me from his experience as a governor of both, West Lodge First and Middle Schools and Nower Hill High School, and that of my uncle who was the head teacher of a primary school in East Sussex.

I will lobby for action to halt the decline of North Harrow town centre. I will encourage our council to follow the lead being taken by many other local authorities who are putting forward positive policies to enhance the prosperity of local shopkeepers and small businesses. The Sustainable Communities Act might be the instrument of legislation that can help aid a process of regeneration.

I support the need to recycle as much of our waste as possible and am in favour of constructive measures to encourage residents to use the correct wheelie bin. However, I am against the ‘nanny state’ approach and will defend any resident’s legitimate complaints of bullying by officialdom whether it is about waste collection or other services.

Borough-wide policy

We have been through the longest recession since records began, so the level of your council tax bill is of great concern to me. I will not support any increase that is excessive and unjustified.I will never forget that it is your money that the council spends.

I will continue to campaign so that North Harrow’s council taxpayers and business ratepayers receive a fare share of the spending commitments that the council should, and is obliged to, provide for our benefit that should in turn enhance the quality of our lives.

I will use my investigative journalistic skills to scrutinise the council’s spending decisions in order to highlight any mismanagement and waste of your hard earned money, and where appropriate I will use the Freedom of Information Act to uncover the evidence.

I will not support grandiose spending plans that will burden us all for years to come. I am mindful that the cost of the London 2012 Olympic Games will still be being paid for by our children’s children, which has been the case for every single Olympic city throughout the world.

James Bond with the people!


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