
James Bond is heartened by the generosity of residents who have already donated a substantial amount of their time and money to this campaign.

Some of the money has already been used to fund the website that you are now looking at and will help pay for its ongoing costs in the months ahead. The donations from the people of North Harrow have also meant that regular newsletters are being delivered to residents’ homes, as well as providing the core funding, now set aside, to meet the cost of the election campaign which is governed by strict spending limits for each candidate.

This generosity is an indication of the groundswell of opinion within the community of the Headstone North Ward that wishes to consider the possibility of supporting James Bond in May 2010.

The forthcoming hustings will be James’s sixth local council election campaign, although his first as the candidate.

As the election agent for his late father, the only ever independent councillor to get elected in the staunchly conservative Pinner Ward, he ran James Sr’s campaigns in 1979, 1982, 1984, 1986 and 1990.

He will use his considerable knowledge of the local political scene and the issues affecting residents, plus his campaigning and lobbying skills along with his very high profile throughout the local area, to maximum affect.

He wants the forthcoming local election on Thursday 6th May, which is now almost certain to coincide with the next General Election, to be the most talked about and stimulating campaign that North Harrow has ever experienced, and he passionately believes that his participation will offer the people a credible alternative to the purely party political candidates offering their services as councillors.

James is motivated entirely by what he can do for the community and invites you to join the campaign by giving your active support over the months ahead. However much of your time and expertise that you are willing and able to give will be greatly appreciated and very warmly welcomed.

Would you volunteer to deliver leaflets / newsletters in your own road, or roads nearby?

This is a vital role which keeps the community in touch with the campaign. You can fit it in around work and family commitments and if you are able to work in pairs then you will be able to halve the workload before you even start!

Would you help James and his team canvass door to door throughout the area?

Communicating with residents face to face is not just for election time. This is a role that, if possible, is best done in pairs. James has 30 years of canvassing experience and if you would like to know more, please contact him.

Do you have a specialist skill or knowledge that can benefit the people of North Harrow?

If you are an architect or town planner, for example, or have experience of the workings of local government, your contribution would be invaluable. If you are in PR, marketing or maybe you are a politics or journalism student who would like to be able to add working on a non-party political community campaign to your CV? Email us now.

Can you help create ‘a ripple effect’ and spread the news of this campaign far and wide?

Although we live in the age of the 24/7 multimedia communications, with text messaging, Twitter, and the like leading the way, it is surprising how ill-informed all of us, on occasions, can become.

This campaign will be enhanced by the simple good old fashioned word of mouth, so we would like you to make a start by discussing what’s happening with the members of your family and your closest friends.

Next, please talk to other friends and the neighbours in your road, and then the people you may meet for sports, community causes and special interest activities. You could also mention our campaign to the people you see down at the shops, outside the school gates, not forgetting of course the people you meet daily on the high street.

If you can tell just one new person at every opportunity that presents itself then you have created ‘a ripple effect’ and at the very least it brings the community closer together making us better informed, by helping to shape our opinions and giving us a better understanding of the challenges that from time to time, we need to face.

Now tell us about the issues of concern, and how James Bond can help you

James has a track record of working for the benefit of the community, firstly with his father back in the eighties, and more recently as a lead member of the campaign to save Tube station ticket offices. On the James Bond’s Campaigns pages of his website you will read of his involvement in many of the issues that currently concern residents and shopkeepers.

Now we would like to hear directly from you about the things that matter to you and your neighbours along your street.

Please feel free to
contact James directly or for enquiries about his campaign or to request interviews please contact Charlie Harris by email bondwiththemedia@hotmail.co.uk or by telephone: 020 8966 9962

1 Response to Volunteer

  1. Deirdre Deely says:

    Dear James
    I have just read your blogs and website and find it very encouraging . I think you have achieved a lot already, in that we feel you are a person we can turn to and express our views to. You are very approachable which is extremely important and we feel you will certainly try to change our area for the better.
    The issues that are of concern to us are the traffic congestion in the top of Northumberland Road and Lancaster Road, and the lack of pedestrian crossing between the traffic lights at the junction of the Pinner Road and Station Road and the junction at George V/Headstone Lane/Pinner Road. Obviously the graffiti and litter are of ongoing concern too. Could the local police office show a higher presence and actually speak to young people at Nower Hill school as a start towards doing something more? If a pressure group would help in any way, to press these issues forward, I am sure we would all sign up and show up where necessary.
    Regards from us both

    Deirdre and Mike Deely

    traffic flow in the top end of Northumberland Road and Lancaster Road is appalling and we may have missed earlier discussion on this point by being away, but feel that it could be improved by use of a one-way system in these two roads

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